options: path_info_key: PATH_INFO path_info_array: SERVER default_format: logging: 1 relative_url_root: formats: txt: text/plain js: 0: application/javascript 1: application/x-javascript 2: text/javascript css: text/css json: 0: application/json 1: application/x-json xml: 0: text/xml 1: application/xml 2: application/x-xml rdf: application/rdf+xml atom: application/atom+xml no_script_name: parameterHolder: action: page module: dmFront slug: o-programie/mapa-statystyczna attributeHolder: sf_route: sfRoute Object()
status: code: 200 text: OK options: http_protocol: HTTP/1.0 logging: 1 charset: utf-8 send_http_headers: content_type: text/html; charset=utf-8 cookies: httpHeaders: Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 javascripts: /dmCorePlugin/lib/jquery/jquery-1.4.2.min.js: head_inclusion: 1 /dmCorePlugin/lib/symfony/debug.js: /dmCorePlugin/lib/metadata/jquery.metadata.min.js: /dmCorePlugin/js/dmCoreConfig.js: /dmCorePlugin/js/dmCorePlugins.js: /dmCorePlugin/js/dmCoreCtrl.js: /dmFrontPlugin/js/dmFrontCtrl.js: /js/front.js: /js/jquery.tools.js: /js/common.js: /js/jquery.lightbox-0.5.js: /js/makepdf.js: head_inclusion: 1 stylesheets: /dmCorePlugin/lib/symfony/debug.css: /dmCorePlugin/css/tool.css: /dmFrontPlugin/css/base.css: /theme/css/main.css: /theme/css/mainadd.css: /theme/css/print.css: media: print metas: httpMetas: Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
options: auto_shutdown: culture: default_culture: pl use_flash: 1 logging: 1 timeout: 1800 attributeHolder: symfony/user/sfUser/attributes: dm_theme: Default culture: pl
app_news_feedAuthor: lrNewsPlugin app_news_maxFeedItems: 20 app_news_showAuthor: app_news_wait4ConfirmationHours: 48 app_recaptcha_enabled: app_recaptcha_private_key: app_recaptcha_public_key: app_sfImageTransformPlugin_default_adapter: GD app_sfImageTransformPlugin_default_image: mime_type: image/png filename: Untitled.png width: 100 height: 100 color: #FFFFFF app_sfImageTransformPlugin_font_dir: /usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts app_sfImageTransformPlugin_mime_type: auto_detect: library: gd_mime_type dm_accessibility_image_empty_alts: 1 dm_admin_asset: dmAdminPlugin dm_backup_enabled: 1 dm_cache_apc: 1 dm_cache_dir: /cache/dm dm_context_type: front dm_core_asset: dmCorePlugin dm_core_dir: /lib/vendor/diem/dmCorePlugin dm_css_compress: dm_data_dir: /data/dm dm_debug: dm_front_asset: dmFrontPlugin dm_front_dir: /lib/vendor/diem/dmFrontPlugin dm_html_doctype: name: html version: 5 compliance: transitional dm_i18n_catalogue: front dm_i18n_cultures: 0: pl 1: en dm_js_cdn: enabled: lib.jquery: http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.2/jquery.min.js dm_js_compress: dm_js_head_inclusion: 0: lib.jquery 1: makepdf dm_locks_enabled: dm_locks_timeout: 10 dm_mediaBar_enabled: 1 dm_media_default: dm_orm_cache_enabled: 1 dm_orm_identifier_fields: 0: name 1: title 2: subject 3: author 4: id dm_pageBar_enabled: 1 dm_performance_enable_mailer: 1 dm_performance_page_cache: enabled: life_time: 86400 dm_security_remember_cookie_name: dm_security_remember_key_expiration_age: dm_seo_truncate: slug: 255 name: 255 title: 80 h1: 255 description: 160 keywords: 255 dm_seo_use_keywords: 1 dm_service_container_base_class: dmFrontBaseServiceContainer dm_string_transliteration: ¥: Y µ: u À: A Á: A Â: A Ã: A Ä: A Å: A Æ: A Ç: C È: E É: E Ê: E Ë: E Ì: I Í: I Î: I Ï: I Ð: D Ñ: N Ò: O Ó: O Ô: O Õ: O Ö: O Ø: O Ù: U Ú: U Û: U Ü: U Ý: Y ß: ss à: a á: a â: a ã: a ä: a å: a æ: a ç: c è: e é: e ê: e ë: e ì: i í: i î: i ï: i ð: o ñ: n ò: o ó: o ô: o õ: o ö: o ø: o ù: u ú: u û: u ü: u ý: y ÿ: y œ: oe Ę: E ę: e Ą: A ą: a Ś: S ś: s Ł: L ł: l Ż: Z ż: z Ź: Z ź: z Ć: C ć: c Ń: N ń: n dm_theming_themes: Default: dir: theme enabled: 1 dm_tinymce_config: rich: 1 theme: advanced skin: o2k7 skin_variant: silver language: pl plugins: paste,table,fullscreen,contextmenu,pagebreak,style,advimage,media,template,ibrowser theme_advanced_resizing: 1 theme_advanced_toolbar_location: top theme_advanced_toolbar_align: left theme_advanced_statusbar_location: bottom theme_advanced_buttons1: cut,copy,paste,pastetext,pasteword,|,undo,redo,|,link,unlink,anchor,image,media,ibrowser,|,pagebreak,template,|,fullscreen,code,cleanup,styleprops theme_advanced_buttons2: bold,italic,underline,strikethrough,|,justifyleft,justifycenter,justifyright,justifyfull,formatselect,styleselect,bullist,numlist,outdent,indent theme_advanced_buttons3: tablecontrols,|,sub,sup,|,charmap,hr cleanup: 1 extended_valid_elements: 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disabled sf_module_disabled_module: default sf_no_script_name: sf_orm: doctrine sf_plugins_dir: //plugins sf_root_dir: / sf_secure_action: secure sf_secure_module: dmUser sf_standard_helpers: 0: Dm 1: DmFront 2: Partial 3: I18N 5: Link 6: Cache sf_symfony_lib_dir: /lib/vendor/diem/symfony/lib sf_template_cache_dir: //cache/front/dev/template sf_test_cache_dir: //cache/front/dev/test sf_test_dir: //test sf_upload_dir: //web/uploads sf_upload_dir_name: uploads sf_use_database: 1 sf_web_debug: 1 sf_web_debug_web_dir: /sf/sf_web_debug sf_web_dir: //web symfony.asset.javascripts_included: 1 symfony.asset.stylesheets_included: 1 symfony.view.dmFront_page_layout: //apps/front/modules/dmFront/templates/layout symfony.view.dmFront_page_template: //apps/front/modules/dmFront/templates/page
cookie: symfony: 8f36bb22e693e9e81168629900d0aef2 env: CURL_HOME: / DOCUMENT_ROOT: / GATEWAY_INTERFACE: CGI/1.1 GATEWAY_ULTRACGI: 016d2a382fc0ac2314bb123039ae8ef4 HTTP_CONNECTION: close HTTP_COOKIE: symfony=8f36bb22e693e9e81168629900d0aef2; HTTP_FROM: [email protected] HTTP_HOST: orlik2012.pl HTTP_USER_AGENT: ia_archiver (+http://www.alexa.com/site/help/webmasters; [email protected]) PATH: /usr/local/pssql55/bin:/usr/local/pgsql9/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin PATH_INFO: /o-programie/mapa-statystyczna PATH_REDIRECTED: /dev.php/o-programie/mapa-statystyczna PATH_TRANSLATED: /o-programie/mapa-statystyczna QUERY_STRING: REDIRECT_STATUS: 200 REDIRECT_URL: /dev.php/o-programie/mapa-statystyczna REMOTE_ADDR: REMOTE_HOST: ec2-174-129-237-157.compute-1.amazonaws.com REMOTE_PORT: 37535 REQUEST_METHOD: GET REQUEST_URI: /dev.php/o-programie/mapa-statystyczna SCRIPT_FILENAME: /web/dev.php SCRIPT_NAME: /web/dev.php SCRIPT_URI: https://orlik2012.pl/dev.php/o-programie/mapa-statystyczna SCRIPT_URL: /dev.php/o-programie/mapa-statystyczna SERVER_ADDR: SERVER_ADMIN: [email protected] SERVER_ID: orliki2012 SERVER_NAME: orlik2012.pl SERVER_PORT: 80 SERVER_PROTOCOL: HTTP/1.0 SERVER_SOFTWARE: IdeaWebServer/v0.80 (like Apache) TMP: /tmp TMPDIR: /tmp TZ: :/etc/localtime files: get: post: server: CURL_HOME: / DOCUMENT_ROOT: / GATEWAY_INTERFACE: CGI/1.1 GATEWAY_ULTRACGI: 016d2a382fc0ac2314bb123039ae8ef4 HTTP_CONNECTION: close HTTP_COOKIE: symfony=8f36bb22e693e9e81168629900d0aef2; HTTP_FROM: [email protected] HTTP_HOST: orlik2012.pl HTTP_USER_AGENT: ia_archiver (+http://www.alexa.com/site/help/webmasters; [email protected]) PATH: /usr/local/pssql55/bin:/usr/local/pgsql9/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin PATH_INFO: /o-programie/mapa-statystyczna PATH_REDIRECTED: /dev.php/o-programie/mapa-statystyczna PATH_TRANSLATED: /o-programie/mapa-statystyczna PHP_SELF: /web/dev.php QUERY_STRING: REDIRECT_STATUS: 200 REDIRECT_URL: /dev.php/o-programie/mapa-statystyczna REMOTE_ADDR: REMOTE_HOST: ec2-174-129-237-157.compute-1.amazonaws.com REMOTE_PORT: 37535 REQUEST_METHOD: GET REQUEST_TIME: 1412408804 REQUEST_URI: /dev.php/o-programie/mapa-statystyczna SCRIPT_FILENAME: /web/dev.php SCRIPT_NAME: /dev.php SCRIPT_URI: https://orlik2012.pl/dev.php/o-programie/mapa-statystyczna SCRIPT_URL: /dev.php/o-programie/mapa-statystyczna SERVER_ADDR: SERVER_ADMIN: [email protected] SERVER_ID: orliki2012 SERVER_NAME: orlik2012.pl SERVER_PORT: 80 SERVER_PROTOCOL: HTTP/1.0 SERVER_SOFTWARE: IdeaWebServer/v0.80 (like Apache) TMP: /tmp TMPDIR: /tmp TZ: :/etc/localtime argc: 0 argv: session: symfony/user/sfUser/attributes: symfony/user/sfUser/attributes: dm_theme: Default symfony/user/sfUser/authenticated: symfony/user/sfUser/credentials: symfony/user/sfUser/culture: en symfony/user/sfUser/lastRequest: 1412408803
php: 5.2.17 os: home.pl Linux x86_64 extensions: 5: bcmath 6: bz2 7: calendar 8: ctype 9: curl 0: date (5.2.17) 10: dba 11: dbase 12: dom (20031129) 49: exif (1.4 $Id: exif.c 293036 2010-01-03 09:23:27Z sebastian $) 14: fileinfo (0.1) 15: filter (0.11.0) 16: ftp 17: gd 18: geoip (1.0.7) 19: gettext 13: hash (1.0) 21: iconv 22: IdeaCache (2.0) 43: imap 61: ionCube Loader 24: json (1.2.1) 25: ldap 1: libxml 26: mailparse (2.1.5) 27: mbstring 28: mcrypt 29: mhash 30: ming 31: mysql (1.0) 45: mysqli (0.1) 2: openssl 3: pcre 33: pdf (2.1.5) 35: PDO (1.0.4dev) 36: pdo_mysql (1.0.2) 37: pdo_pgsql (1.0.2) 38: pdo_sqlite (1.0.1) 39: pgsql 40: posix 41: pspell 42: Reflection (0.1) 20: session 44: shmop 32: SimpleXML (0.1) 46: soap 47: sockets 34: SPL (0.2) 48: SQLite (2.0-dev) 23: standard (5.2.17) 50: sysvmsg 51: sysvsem 52: sysvshm 53: tokenizer (0.1) 54: wddx 55: xml 56: xmlreader (0.1) 57: xmlrpc (0.51) 58: xmlwriter (0.1) 59: xsl (0.1) 60: zip (1.8.11) 4: zlib (1.1)
version: 1.4.7-DEV path: /lib/vendor/diem/symfony/lib
version: 5.1.3 path: /lib/vendor/diem
(string)# | type | message |
1 | dmFrontRouting | Match route "dmPage" (/:slug) for /o-programie/mapa-statystyczna with parameters array ( 'module' => 'dmFront', 'action' => 'page', 'slug' => 'o-programie/mapa-statystyczna',) |
2 | Doctrine_Connection_Mysql | exec : SET NAMES 'UTF8' - () |
3 | sfFilterChain | Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" |
4 | sfFilterChain | Executing filter "dmRememberMeFilter" |
5 | sfFilterChain | Executing filter "dmFrontInitFilter" |
6 | sfFilterChain | Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" |
7 | dmFrontActions | Call "dmFrontActions->executePage()" |
8 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.module AS d__module, d.action AS d__action, d.record_id AS d__record_id, d.credentials AS d__credentials, d.lft AS d__lft, d.rgt AS d__rgt, d.level AS d__level, d2.id AS d2__id, d2.slug AS d2__slug, d2.name AS d2__name, d2.title AS d2__title, d2.h1 AS d2__h1, d2.description AS d2__description, d2.keywords AS d2__keywords, d2.auto_mod AS d2__auto_mod, d2.is_active AS d2__is_active, d2.is_secure AS d2__is_secure, d2.is_indexable AS d2__is_indexable, d2.lang AS d2__lang FROM dm_page d INNER JOIN dm_page_translation d2 ON ((d.id = d2.id AND d2.lang = ?)) WHERE (d2.slug = ?) - (en, o-programie/mapa-statystyczna) |
9 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.module AS d__module, d.action AS d__action, d.record_id AS d__record_id, d.credentials AS d__credentials, d.lft AS d__lft, d.rgt AS d__rgt, d.level AS d__level, d2.id AS d2__id, d2.slug AS d2__slug, d2.name AS d2__name, d2.title AS d2__title, d2.h1 AS d2__h1, d2.description AS d2__description, d2.keywords AS d2__keywords, d2.auto_mod AS d2__auto_mod, d2.is_active AS d2__is_active, d2.is_secure AS d2__is_secure, d2.is_indexable AS d2__is_indexable, d2.lang AS d2__lang FROM dm_page d INNER JOIN dm_page_translation d2 ON d.id = d2.id WHERE (d2.slug = ?) - (o-programie/mapa-statystyczna) |
10 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.module AS d__module, d.action AS d__action, d.dm_layout_id AS d__dm_layout_id, d2.id AS d2__id, d2.name AS d2__name, d2.template AS d2__template, d2.css_class AS d2__css_class FROM dm_page_view d LEFT JOIN dm_layout d2 ON d.dm_layout_id = d2.id WHERE (d.module = ? AND d.action = ?) - (main, mapaStatystyczna) |
11 | dmFrontActions | Change template to "dmFront/page" |
12 | dmFrontActions | Change layout to "/sf_app_dir/modules/dmFront/templates/layout" |
13 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.dm_layout_id AS d__dm_layout_id, d.type AS d__type, d2.id AS d2__id, d2.width AS d2__width, d2.css_class AS d2__css_class, d3.id AS d3__id, d3.module AS d3__module, d3.action AS d3__action, d3.css_class AS d3__css_class, d4.id AS d4__id, d4.lang AS d4__lang, d4.value AS d4__value FROM dm_area d LEFT JOIN dm_zone d2 ON d.id = d2.dm_area_id LEFT JOIN dm_widget d3 ON d2.id = d3.dm_zone_id LEFT JOIN dm_widget_translation d4 ON d3.id = d4.id AND ((d4.lang = ? OR d4.lang = ?)) WHERE (d.dm_layout_id = ? OR d.dm_page_view_id = ?) ORDER BY d2.position asc, d3.position asc - (pl, pl, 1, 46) |
14 | sfPHPView | Render "/sf_app_dir/modules/dmFront/templates/pageSuccess.php" |
15 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.module AS d__module, d.action AS d__action, d.record_id AS d__record_id, d.credentials AS d__credentials, d.lft AS d__lft, d.rgt AS d__rgt, d.level AS d__level, d2.id AS d2__id, d2.slug AS d2__slug, d2.name AS d2__name, d2.title AS d2__title, d2.h1 AS d2__h1, d2.description AS d2__description, d2.keywords AS d2__keywords, d2.auto_mod AS d2__auto_mod, d2.is_active AS d2__is_active, d2.is_secure AS d2__is_secure, d2.is_indexable AS d2__is_indexable, d2.lang AS d2__lang FROM dm_page d LEFT JOIN dm_page_translation d2 ON ((d.id = d2.id AND d2.lang = ?)) WHERE (d.module = ? AND d.action = ?) - (pl, main, root) |
16 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.module AS d__module, d.action AS d__action, d.record_id AS d__record_id, d.credentials AS d__credentials, d.lft AS d__lft, d.rgt AS d__rgt, d.level AS d__level, d2.id AS d2__id, d2.slug AS d2__slug, d2.name AS d2__name, d2.title AS d2__title, d2.h1 AS d2__h1, d2.description AS d2__description, d2.keywords AS d2__keywords, d2.auto_mod AS d2__auto_mod, d2.is_active AS d2__is_active, d2.is_secure AS d2__is_secure, d2.is_indexable AS d2__is_indexable, d2.lang AS d2__lang FROM dm_page d LEFT JOIN dm_page_translation d2 ON ((d.id = d2.id AND d2.lang = ?)) WHERE (d.module = ? AND d.action = ?) - (pl, main, sitemap) |
17 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.module AS d__module, d.action AS d__action, d.record_id AS d__record_id, d.credentials AS d__credentials, d.lft AS d__lft, d.rgt AS d__rgt, d.level AS d__level, d2.id AS d2__id, d2.slug AS d2__slug, d2.name AS d2__name, d2.title AS d2__title, d2.h1 AS d2__h1, d2.description AS d2__description, d2.keywords AS d2__keywords, d2.auto_mod AS d2__auto_mod, d2.is_active AS d2__is_active, d2.is_secure AS d2__is_secure, d2.is_indexable AS d2__is_indexable, d2.lang AS d2__lang FROM dm_page d LEFT JOIN dm_page_translation d2 ON ((d.id = d2.id AND d2.lang = ?)) WHERE (d.module = ? AND d.action = ?) - (pl, main, kontakt) |
18 | sfPartialView | Render "/sf_app_dir/modules/dmWidget/templates/_dmWidgetSearchForm.php" |
19 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.module AS d__module, d.action AS d__action, d.record_id AS d__record_id, d.credentials AS d__credentials, d.lft AS d__lft, d.rgt AS d__rgt, d.level AS d__level, d2.id AS d2__id, d2.slug AS d2__slug, d2.name AS d2__name, d2.title AS d2__title, d2.h1 AS d2__h1, d2.description AS d2__description, d2.keywords AS d2__keywords, d2.auto_mod AS d2__auto_mod, d2.is_active AS d2__is_active, d2.is_secure AS d2__is_secure, d2.is_indexable AS d2__is_indexable, d2.lang AS d2__lang FROM dm_page d LEFT JOIN dm_page_translation d2 ON ((d.id = d2.id AND d2.lang = ?)) WHERE (d.module = ? AND d.action = ?) - (pl, main, search) |
20 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.module AS d__module, d.action AS d__action, d.record_id AS d__record_id, d.credentials AS d__credentials, d.lft AS d__lft, d.rgt AS d__rgt, d.level AS d__level, d2.id AS d2__id, d2.slug AS d2__slug, d2.name AS d2__name, d2.title AS d2__title, d2.h1 AS d2__h1, d2.description AS d2__description, d2.keywords AS d2__keywords, d2.auto_mod AS d2__auto_mod, d2.is_active AS d2__is_active, d2.is_secure AS d2__is_secure, d2.is_indexable AS d2__is_indexable, d2.lang AS d2__lang FROM dm_page d LEFT JOIN dm_page_translation d2 ON ((d.id = d2.id AND d2.lang = ?)) WHERE (d.id = ?) - (pl, 1) |
21 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.module AS d__module, d.action AS d__action, d.record_id AS d__record_id, d.credentials AS d__credentials, d.lft AS d__lft, d.rgt AS d__rgt, d.level AS d__level, d2.id AS d2__id, d2.slug AS d2__slug, d2.name AS d2__name, d2.title AS d2__title, d2.h1 AS d2__h1, d2.description AS d2__description, d2.keywords AS d2__keywords, d2.auto_mod AS d2__auto_mod, d2.is_active AS d2__is_active, d2.is_secure AS d2__is_secure, d2.is_indexable AS d2__is_indexable, d2.lang AS d2__lang FROM dm_page d LEFT JOIN dm_page_translation d2 ON ((d.id = d2.id AND d2.lang = ?)) WHERE (d.id = ?) - (pl, 12) |
22 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.module AS d__module, d.action AS d__action, d.record_id AS d__record_id, d.credentials AS d__credentials, d.lft AS d__lft, d.rgt AS d__rgt, d.level AS d__level, d2.id AS d2__id, d2.slug AS d2__slug, d2.name AS d2__name, d2.title AS d2__title, d2.h1 AS d2__h1, d2.description AS d2__description, d2.keywords AS d2__keywords, d2.auto_mod AS d2__auto_mod, d2.is_active AS d2__is_active, d2.is_secure AS d2__is_secure, d2.is_indexable AS d2__is_indexable, d2.lang AS d2__lang FROM dm_page d LEFT JOIN dm_page_translation d2 ON ((d.id = d2.id AND d2.lang = ?)) WHERE (d.id = ?) - (pl, 13) |
23 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.module AS d__module, d.action AS d__action, d.record_id AS d__record_id, d.credentials AS d__credentials, d.lft AS d__lft, d.rgt AS d__rgt, d.level AS d__level, d2.id AS d2__id, d2.slug AS d2__slug, d2.name AS d2__name, d2.title AS d2__title, d2.h1 AS d2__h1, d2.description AS d2__description, d2.keywords AS d2__keywords, d2.auto_mod AS d2__auto_mod, d2.is_active AS d2__is_active, d2.is_secure AS d2__is_secure, d2.is_indexable AS d2__is_indexable, d2.lang AS d2__lang FROM dm_page d LEFT JOIN dm_page_translation d2 ON ((d.id = d2.id AND d2.lang = ?)) WHERE (d.id = ?) - (pl, 24) |
24 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.module AS d__module, d.action AS d__action, d.record_id AS d__record_id, d.credentials AS d__credentials, d.lft AS d__lft, d.rgt AS d__rgt, d.level AS d__level, d2.id AS d2__id, d2.slug AS d2__slug, d2.name AS d2__name, d2.title AS d2__title, d2.h1 AS d2__h1, d2.description AS d2__description, d2.keywords AS d2__keywords, d2.auto_mod AS d2__auto_mod, d2.is_active AS d2__is_active, d2.is_secure AS d2__is_secure, d2.is_indexable AS d2__is_indexable, d2.lang AS d2__lang FROM dm_page d LEFT JOIN dm_page_translation d2 ON ((d.id = d2.id AND d2.lang = ?)) WHERE (d.id = ?) - (pl, 25) |
25 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.lft AS d__lft, d.rgt AS d__rgt, d.level AS d__level FROM dm_page d LEFT JOIN dm_page_translation d2 ON ((d.id = d2.id AND d2.lang = ?)) WHERE (d.lft < ? AND d.rgt > ?) ORDER BY d.lft asc - (pl, 5525, 5526) |
26 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.module AS d__module, d.action AS d__action, d.record_id AS d__record_id, d.credentials AS d__credentials, d.lft AS d__lft, d.rgt AS d__rgt, d.level AS d__level FROM dm_page d WHERE (d.id = ?) LIMIT 1 - (2206) |
27 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.slug AS d__slug, d.name AS d__name, d.title AS d__title, d.h1 AS d__h1, d.description AS d__description, d.keywords AS d__keywords, d.auto_mod AS d__auto_mod, d.is_active AS d__is_active, d.is_secure AS d__is_secure, d.is_indexable AS d__is_indexable, d.lang AS d__lang FROM dm_page_translation d WHERE (d.id IN (?)) - (2206) |
28 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.module AS d__module, d.action AS d__action, d.record_id AS d__record_id, d.credentials AS d__credentials, d.lft AS d__lft, d.rgt AS d__rgt, d.level AS d__level, d2.id AS d2__id, d2.slug AS d2__slug, d2.name AS d2__name, d2.title AS d2__title, d2.h1 AS d2__h1, d2.description AS d2__description, d2.keywords AS d2__keywords, d2.auto_mod AS d2__auto_mod, d2.is_active AS d2__is_active, d2.is_secure AS d2__is_secure, d2.is_indexable AS d2__is_indexable, d2.lang AS d2__lang FROM dm_page d LEFT JOIN dm_page_translation d2 ON ((d.id = d2.id AND d2.lang = ?)) WHERE ((d.lft > ? AND d.rgt < ?) AND d.level <= ?) ORDER BY d.lft asc - (pl, 5520, 5529, 4) |
29 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.module AS d__module, d.action AS d__action, d.record_id AS d__record_id, d.credentials AS d__credentials, d.lft AS d__lft, d.rgt AS d__rgt, d.level AS d__level, d2.id AS d2__id, d2.slug AS d2__slug, d2.name AS d2__name, d2.title AS d2__title, d2.h1 AS d2__h1, d2.description AS d2__description, d2.keywords AS d2__keywords, d2.auto_mod AS d2__auto_mod, d2.is_active AS d2__is_active, d2.is_secure AS d2__is_secure, d2.is_indexable AS d2__is_indexable, d2.lang AS d2__lang FROM dm_page d LEFT JOIN dm_page_translation d2 ON ((d.id = d2.id AND d2.lang = ?)) WHERE ((d.lft > ? AND d.rgt < ?) AND d.level <= ?) ORDER BY d.lft asc - (pl, 234, 275, 2) |
30 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.module AS d__module, d.action AS d__action, d.record_id AS d__record_id, d.credentials AS d__credentials, d.lft AS d__lft, d.rgt AS d__rgt, d.level AS d__level, d2.id AS d2__id, d2.slug AS d2__slug, d2.name AS d2__name, d2.title AS d2__title, d2.h1 AS d2__h1, d2.description AS d2__description, d2.keywords AS d2__keywords, d2.auto_mod AS d2__auto_mod, d2.is_active AS d2__is_active, d2.is_secure AS d2__is_secure, d2.is_indexable AS d2__is_indexable, d2.lang AS d2__lang FROM dm_page d LEFT JOIN dm_page_translation d2 ON ((d.id = d2.id AND d2.lang = ?)) WHERE ((d.lft > ? AND d.rgt < ?) AND d.level <= ?) ORDER BY d.lft asc - (pl, 241, 250, 3) |
31 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.module AS d__module, d.action AS d__action, d.record_id AS d__record_id, d.credentials AS d__credentials, d.lft AS d__lft, d.rgt AS d__rgt, d.level AS d__level, d2.id AS d2__id, d2.slug AS d2__slug, d2.name AS d2__name, d2.title AS d2__title, d2.h1 AS d2__h1, d2.description AS d2__description, d2.keywords AS d2__keywords, d2.auto_mod AS d2__auto_mod, d2.is_active AS d2__is_active, d2.is_secure AS d2__is_secure, d2.is_indexable AS d2__is_indexable, d2.lang AS d2__lang FROM dm_page d LEFT JOIN dm_page_translation d2 ON ((d.id = d2.id AND d2.lang = ?)) WHERE ((d.lft > ? AND d.rgt < ?) AND d.level <= ?) ORDER BY d.lft asc - (pl, 257, 268, 3) |
32 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.module AS d__module, d.action AS d__action, d.record_id AS d__record_id, d.credentials AS d__credentials, d.lft AS d__lft, d.rgt AS d__rgt, d.level AS d__level, d2.id AS d2__id, d2.slug AS d2__slug, d2.name AS d2__name, d2.title AS d2__title, d2.h1 AS d2__h1, d2.description AS d2__description, d2.keywords AS d2__keywords, d2.auto_mod AS d2__auto_mod, d2.is_active AS d2__is_active, d2.is_secure AS d2__is_secure, d2.is_indexable AS d2__is_indexable, d2.lang AS d2__lang FROM dm_page d LEFT JOIN dm_page_translation d2 ON ((d.id = d2.id AND d2.lang = ?)) WHERE ((d.lft > ? AND d.rgt < ?) AND d.level <= ?) ORDER BY d.lft asc - (pl, 278, 5513, 2) |
33 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.module AS d__module, d.action AS d__action, d.record_id AS d__record_id, d.credentials AS d__credentials, d.lft AS d__lft, d.rgt AS d__rgt, d.level AS d__level, d2.id AS d2__id, d2.slug AS d2__slug, d2.name AS d2__name, d2.title AS d2__title, d2.h1 AS d2__h1, d2.description AS d2__description, d2.keywords AS d2__keywords, d2.auto_mod AS d2__auto_mod, d2.is_active AS d2__is_active, d2.is_secure AS d2__is_secure, d2.is_indexable AS d2__is_indexable, d2.lang AS d2__lang FROM dm_page d LEFT JOIN dm_page_translation d2 ON ((d.id = d2.id AND d2.lang = ?)) WHERE ((d.lft > ? AND d.rgt < ?) AND d.level <= ?) ORDER BY d.lft asc - (pl, 5514, 5535, 2) |
34 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.module AS d__module, d.action AS d__action, d.record_id AS d__record_id, d.credentials AS d__credentials, d.lft AS d__lft, d.rgt AS d__rgt, d.level AS d__level, d2.id AS d2__id, d2.slug AS d2__slug, d2.name AS d2__name, d2.title AS d2__title, d2.h1 AS d2__h1, d2.description AS d2__description, d2.keywords AS d2__keywords, d2.auto_mod AS d2__auto_mod, d2.is_active AS d2__is_active, d2.is_secure AS d2__is_secure, d2.is_indexable AS d2__is_indexable, d2.lang AS d2__lang FROM dm_page d LEFT JOIN dm_page_translation d2 ON ((d.id = d2.id AND d2.lang = ?)) WHERE ((d.lft > ? AND d.rgt < ?) AND d.level <= ?) ORDER BY d.lft asc - (pl, 5519, 5530, 3) |
35 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.module AS d__module, d.action AS d__action, d.record_id AS d__record_id, d.credentials AS d__credentials, d.lft AS d__lft, d.rgt AS d__rgt, d.level AS d__level, d2.id AS d2__id, d2.slug AS d2__slug, d2.name AS d2__name, d2.title AS d2__title, d2.h1 AS d2__h1, d2.description AS d2__description, d2.keywords AS d2__keywords, d2.auto_mod AS d2__auto_mod, d2.is_active AS d2__is_active, d2.is_secure AS d2__is_secure, d2.is_indexable AS d2__is_indexable, d2.lang AS d2__lang FROM dm_page d LEFT JOIN dm_page_translation d2 ON ((d.id = d2.id AND d2.lang = ?)) WHERE (d.id = ?) - (pl, 4) |
36 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.module AS d__module, d.action AS d__action, d.record_id AS d__record_id, d.credentials AS d__credentials, d.lft AS d__lft, d.rgt AS d__rgt, d.level AS d__level, d2.id AS d2__id, d2.slug AS d2__slug, d2.name AS d2__name, d2.title AS d2__title, d2.h1 AS d2__h1, d2.description AS d2__description, d2.keywords AS d2__keywords, d2.auto_mod AS d2__auto_mod, d2.is_active AS d2__is_active, d2.is_secure AS d2__is_secure, d2.is_indexable AS d2__is_indexable, d2.lang AS d2__lang FROM dm_page d LEFT JOIN dm_page_translation d2 ON ((d.id = d2.id AND d2.lang = ?)) WHERE (d.id = ?) - (pl, 62) |
37 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.module AS d__module, d.action AS d__action, d.record_id AS d__record_id, d.credentials AS d__credentials, d.lft AS d__lft, d.rgt AS d__rgt, d.level AS d__level, d2.id AS d2__id, d2.slug AS d2__slug, d2.name AS d2__name, d2.title AS d2__title, d2.h1 AS d2__h1, d2.description AS d2__description, d2.keywords AS d2__keywords, d2.auto_mod AS d2__auto_mod, d2.is_active AS d2__is_active, d2.is_secure AS d2__is_secure, d2.is_indexable AS d2__is_indexable, d2.lang AS d2__lang FROM dm_page d LEFT JOIN dm_page_translation d2 ON ((d.id = d2.id AND d2.lang = ?)) WHERE (d.id = ?) - (pl, 40) |
38 | main | Call "orliki->executeStatisticMap()" |
39 | sfPartialView | Render "/sf_app_dir/modules/orliki/templates/_statisticMap.php" |
40 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.dm_media_folder_id AS d__dm_media_folder_id, d.file AS d__file, d.legend AS d__legend, d.author AS d__author, d.license AS d__license, d.mime AS d__mime, d.size AS d__size, d.dimensions AS d__dimensions, d.created_at AS d__created_at, d.updated_at AS d__updated_at, d2.id AS d2__id, d2.rel_path AS d2__rel_path, d2.lft AS d2__lft, d2.rgt AS d2__rgt, d2.level AS d2__level FROM dm_media d LEFT JOIN dm_media_folder d2 ON d.dm_media_folder_id = d2.id WHERE (d.id = ?) - (51187) |
41 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.dm_media_folder_id AS d__dm_media_folder_id, d.file AS d__file, d.legend AS d__legend, d.author AS d__author, d.license AS d__license, d.mime AS d__mime, d.size AS d__size, d.dimensions AS d__dimensions, d.created_at AS d__created_at, d.updated_at AS d__updated_at, d2.id AS d2__id, d2.rel_path AS d2__rel_path, d2.lft AS d2__lft, d2.rgt AS d2__rgt, d2.level AS d2__level FROM dm_media d LEFT JOIN dm_media_folder d2 ON d.dm_media_folder_id = d2.id WHERE (d.id = ?) - (51186) |
42 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.dm_media_folder_id AS d__dm_media_folder_id, d.file AS d__file, d.legend AS d__legend, d.author AS d__author, d.license AS d__license, d.mime AS d__mime, d.size AS d__size, d.dimensions AS d__dimensions, d.created_at AS d__created_at, d.updated_at AS d__updated_at, d2.id AS d2__id, d2.rel_path AS d2__rel_path, d2.lft AS d2__lft, d2.rgt AS d2__rgt, d2.level AS d2__level FROM dm_media d LEFT JOIN dm_media_folder d2 ON d.dm_media_folder_id = d2.id WHERE (d.id = ?) - (37749) |
43 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.dm_media_folder_id AS d__dm_media_folder_id, d.file AS d__file, d.legend AS d__legend, d.author AS d__author, d.license AS d__license, d.mime AS d__mime, d.size AS d__size, d.dimensions AS d__dimensions, d.created_at AS d__created_at, d.updated_at AS d__updated_at, d2.id AS d2__id, d2.rel_path AS d2__rel_path, d2.lft AS d2__lft, d2.rgt AS d2__rgt, d2.level AS d2__level FROM dm_media d LEFT JOIN dm_media_folder d2 ON d.dm_media_folder_id = d2.id WHERE (d.id = ?) - (37749) |
44 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.dm_media_folder_id AS d__dm_media_folder_id, d.file AS d__file, d.legend AS d__legend, d.author AS d__author, d.license AS d__license, d.mime AS d__mime, d.size AS d__size, d.dimensions AS d__dimensions, d.created_at AS d__created_at, d.updated_at AS d__updated_at, d2.id AS d2__id, d2.rel_path AS d2__rel_path, d2.lft AS d2__lft, d2.rgt AS d2__rgt, d2.level AS d2__level FROM dm_media d LEFT JOIN dm_media_folder d2 ON d.dm_media_folder_id = d2.id WHERE (d.id = ?) - (51291) |
45 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.dm_media_folder_id AS d__dm_media_folder_id, d.file AS d__file, d.legend AS d__legend, d.author AS d__author, d.license AS d__license, d.mime AS d__mime, d.size AS d__size, d.dimensions AS d__dimensions, d.created_at AS d__created_at, d.updated_at AS d__updated_at, d2.id AS d2__id, d2.rel_path AS d2__rel_path, d2.lft AS d2__lft, d2.rgt AS d2__rgt, d2.level AS d2__level FROM dm_media d LEFT JOIN dm_media_folder d2 ON d.dm_media_folder_id = d2.id WHERE (d.id = ?) - (51292) |
46 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.dm_media_folder_id AS d__dm_media_folder_id, d.file AS d__file, d.legend AS d__legend, d.author AS d__author, d.license AS d__license, d.mime AS d__mime, d.size AS d__size, d.dimensions AS d__dimensions, d.created_at AS d__created_at, d.updated_at AS d__updated_at, d2.id AS d2__id, d2.rel_path AS d2__rel_path, d2.lft AS d2__lft, d2.rgt AS d2__rgt, d2.level AS d2__level FROM dm_media d LEFT JOIN dm_media_folder d2 ON d.dm_media_folder_id = d2.id WHERE (d.id = ?) - (37747) |
47 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.dm_media_folder_id AS d__dm_media_folder_id, d.file AS d__file, d.legend AS d__legend, d.author AS d__author, d.license AS d__license, d.mime AS d__mime, d.size AS d__size, d.dimensions AS d__dimensions, d.created_at AS d__created_at, d.updated_at AS d__updated_at, d2.id AS d2__id, d2.rel_path AS d2__rel_path, d2.lft AS d2__lft, d2.rgt AS d2__rgt, d2.level AS d2__level FROM dm_media d LEFT JOIN dm_media_folder d2 ON d.dm_media_folder_id = d2.id WHERE (d.id = ?) - (37750) |
48 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.dm_media_folder_id AS d__dm_media_folder_id, d.file AS d__file, d.legend AS d__legend, d.author AS d__author, d.license AS d__license, d.mime AS d__mime, d.size AS d__size, d.dimensions AS d__dimensions, d.created_at AS d__created_at, d.updated_at AS d__updated_at, d2.id AS d2__id, d2.rel_path AS d2__rel_path, d2.lft AS d2__lft, d2.rgt AS d2__rgt, d2.level AS d2__level FROM dm_media d LEFT JOIN dm_media_folder d2 ON d.dm_media_folder_id = d2.id WHERE (d.id = ?) - (51099) |
49 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.dm_media_folder_id AS d__dm_media_folder_id, d.file AS d__file, d.legend AS d__legend, d.author AS d__author, d.license AS d__license, d.mime AS d__mime, d.size AS d__size, d.dimensions AS d__dimensions, d.created_at AS d__created_at, d.updated_at AS d__updated_at, d2.id AS d2__id, d2.rel_path AS d2__rel_path, d2.lft AS d2__lft, d2.rgt AS d2__rgt, d2.level AS d2__level FROM dm_media d LEFT JOIN dm_media_folder d2 ON d.dm_media_folder_id = d2.id WHERE (d.id = ?) - (51098) |
50 | sfPHPView | Decorate content with "/sf_app_dir/modules/dmFront/templates/layout.php" |
51 | sfPHPView | Render "/sf_app_dir/modules/dmFront/templates/layout.php" |
52 | dmWebResponse | Send status "HTTP/1.0 200 OK" |
53 | dmWebResponse | Send header "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8" |
type | calls | time (ms) | time (%) |
Configuration | 13 | 6.27 | 0 |
Factories | 1 | 167.86 | 15 |
Database (Doctrine) | 37 | 0.19 | 0 |
Action "dmFront/page" | 1 | 139.10 | 12 |
View "Success" for "dmFront/page" | 1 | 735.51 | 66 |
Partial "dmWidget/_dmWidgetSearchForm" | 1 | 16.44 | 1 |
Component "orliki/statisticMap" | 1 | 0.04 | 0 |
Partial "orliki/_statisticMap" | 1 | 155.07 | 14 |
SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.module AS d__module, d.action AS d__action, d.record_id AS d__record_id, d.credentials AS d__credentials, d.lft AS d__lft, d.rgt AS d__rgt, d.level AS d__level, d2.id AS d2__id, d2.slug AS d2__slug, d2.name AS d2__name, d2.title AS d2__title, d2.h1 AS d2__h1, d2.description AS d2__description, d2.keywords AS d2__keywords, d2.auto_mod AS d2__auto_mod, d2.is_active AS d2__is_active, d2.is_secure AS d2__is_secure, d2.is_indexable AS d2__is_indexable, d2.lang AS d2__lang FROM dm_page d INNER JOIN dm_page_translation d2 ON ((d.id = d2.id AND d2.lang = 'en')) WHERE (d2.slug = 'o-programie/mapa-statystyczna')
SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.module AS d__module, d.action AS d__action, d.record_id AS d__record_id, d.credentials AS d__credentials, d.lft AS d__lft, d.rgt AS d__rgt, d.level AS d__level, d2.id AS d2__id, d2.slug AS d2__slug, d2.name AS d2__name, d2.title AS d2__title, d2.h1 AS d2__h1, d2.description AS d2__description, d2.keywords AS d2__keywords, d2.auto_mod AS d2__auto_mod, d2.is_active AS d2__is_active, d2.is_secure AS d2__is_secure, d2.is_indexable AS d2__is_indexable, d2.lang AS d2__lang FROM dm_page d INNER JOIN dm_page_translation d2 ON d.id = d2.id WHERE (d2.slug = 'o-programie/mapa-statystyczna')
SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.module AS d__module, d.action AS d__action, d.dm_layout_id AS d__dm_layout_id, d2.id AS d2__id, d2.name AS d2__name, d2.template AS d2__template, d2.css_class AS d2__css_class FROM dm_page_view d LEFT JOIN dm_layout d2 ON d.dm_layout_id = d2.id WHERE (d.module = 'main' AND d.action = 'mapaStatystyczna')
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SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.module AS d__module, d.action AS d__action, d.record_id AS d__record_id, d.credentials AS d__credentials, d.lft AS d__lft, d.rgt AS d__rgt, d.level AS d__level, d2.id AS d2__id, d2.slug AS d2__slug, d2.name AS d2__name, d2.title AS d2__title, d2.h1 AS d2__h1, d2.description AS d2__description, d2.keywords AS d2__keywords, d2.auto_mod AS d2__auto_mod, d2.is_active AS d2__is_active, d2.is_secure AS d2__is_secure, d2.is_indexable AS d2__is_indexable, d2.lang AS d2__lang FROM dm_page d LEFT JOIN dm_page_translation d2 ON ((d.id = d2.id AND d2.lang = 'pl')) WHERE (d.module = 'main' AND d.action = 'root')
SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.module AS d__module, d.action AS d__action, d.record_id AS d__record_id, d.credentials AS d__credentials, d.lft AS d__lft, d.rgt AS d__rgt, d.level AS d__level, d2.id AS d2__id, d2.slug AS d2__slug, d2.name AS d2__name, d2.title AS d2__title, d2.h1 AS d2__h1, d2.description AS d2__description, d2.keywords AS d2__keywords, d2.auto_mod AS d2__auto_mod, d2.is_active AS d2__is_active, d2.is_secure AS d2__is_secure, d2.is_indexable AS d2__is_indexable, d2.lang AS d2__lang FROM dm_page d LEFT JOIN dm_page_translation d2 ON ((d.id = d2.id AND d2.lang = 'pl')) WHERE (d.module = 'main' AND d.action = 'sitemap')
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SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.module AS d__module, d.action AS d__action, d.record_id AS d__record_id, d.credentials AS d__credentials, d.lft AS d__lft, d.rgt AS d__rgt, d.level AS d__level, d2.id AS d2__id, d2.slug AS d2__slug, d2.name AS d2__name, d2.title AS d2__title, d2.h1 AS d2__h1, d2.description AS d2__description, d2.keywords AS d2__keywords, d2.auto_mod AS d2__auto_mod, d2.is_active AS d2__is_active, d2.is_secure AS d2__is_secure, d2.is_indexable AS d2__is_indexable, d2.lang AS d2__lang FROM dm_page d LEFT JOIN dm_page_translation d2 ON ((d.id = d2.id AND d2.lang = 'pl')) WHERE (d.module = 'main' AND d.action = 'search')
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SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.module AS d__module, d.action AS d__action, d.record_id AS d__record_id, d.credentials AS d__credentials, d.lft AS d__lft, d.rgt AS d__rgt, d.level AS d__level, d2.id AS d2__id, d2.slug AS d2__slug, d2.name AS d2__name, d2.title AS d2__title, d2.h1 AS d2__h1, d2.description AS d2__description, d2.keywords AS d2__keywords, d2.auto_mod AS d2__auto_mod, d2.is_active AS d2__is_active, d2.is_secure AS d2__is_secure, d2.is_indexable AS d2__is_indexable, d2.lang AS d2__lang FROM dm_page d LEFT JOIN dm_page_translation d2 ON ((d.id = d2.id AND d2.lang = 'pl')) WHERE (d.id = '12')
SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.module AS d__module, d.action AS d__action, d.record_id AS d__record_id, d.credentials AS d__credentials, d.lft AS d__lft, d.rgt AS d__rgt, d.level AS d__level, d2.id AS d2__id, d2.slug AS d2__slug, d2.name AS d2__name, d2.title AS d2__title, d2.h1 AS d2__h1, d2.description AS d2__description, d2.keywords AS d2__keywords, d2.auto_mod AS d2__auto_mod, d2.is_active AS d2__is_active, d2.is_secure AS d2__is_secure, d2.is_indexable AS d2__is_indexable, d2.lang AS d2__lang FROM dm_page d LEFT JOIN dm_page_translation d2 ON ((d.id = d2.id AND d2.lang = 'pl')) WHERE (d.id = '13')
SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.module AS d__module, d.action AS d__action, d.record_id AS d__record_id, d.credentials AS d__credentials, d.lft AS d__lft, d.rgt AS d__rgt, d.level AS d__level, d2.id AS d2__id, d2.slug AS d2__slug, d2.name AS d2__name, d2.title AS d2__title, d2.h1 AS d2__h1, d2.description AS d2__description, d2.keywords AS d2__keywords, d2.auto_mod AS d2__auto_mod, d2.is_active AS d2__is_active, d2.is_secure AS d2__is_secure, d2.is_indexable AS d2__is_indexable, d2.lang AS d2__lang FROM dm_page d LEFT JOIN dm_page_translation d2 ON ((d.id = d2.id AND d2.lang = 'pl')) WHERE (d.id = '24')
SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.module AS d__module, d.action AS d__action, d.record_id AS d__record_id, d.credentials AS d__credentials, d.lft AS d__lft, d.rgt AS d__rgt, d.level AS d__level, d2.id AS d2__id, d2.slug AS d2__slug, d2.name AS d2__name, d2.title AS d2__title, d2.h1 AS d2__h1, d2.description AS d2__description, d2.keywords AS d2__keywords, d2.auto_mod AS d2__auto_mod, d2.is_active AS d2__is_active, d2.is_secure AS d2__is_secure, d2.is_indexable AS d2__is_indexable, d2.lang AS d2__lang FROM dm_page d LEFT JOIN dm_page_translation d2 ON ((d.id = d2.id AND d2.lang = 'pl')) WHERE (d.id = '25')
SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.lft AS d__lft, d.rgt AS d__rgt, d.level AS d__level FROM dm_page d LEFT JOIN dm_page_translation d2 ON ((d.id = d2.id AND d2.lang = 'pl')) WHERE (d.lft < '5525' AND d.rgt > '5526') ORDER BY d.lft asc
SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.module AS d__module, d.action AS d__action, d.record_id AS d__record_id, d.credentials AS d__credentials, d.lft AS d__lft, d.rgt AS d__rgt, d.level AS d__level FROM dm_page d WHERE (d.id = '2206') LIMIT 1
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SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.module AS d__module, d.action AS d__action, d.record_id AS d__record_id, d.credentials AS d__credentials, d.lft AS d__lft, d.rgt AS d__rgt, d.level AS d__level, d2.id AS d2__id, d2.slug AS d2__slug, d2.name AS d2__name, d2.title AS d2__title, d2.h1 AS d2__h1, d2.description AS d2__description, d2.keywords AS d2__keywords, d2.auto_mod AS d2__auto_mod, d2.is_active AS d2__is_active, d2.is_secure AS d2__is_secure, d2.is_indexable AS d2__is_indexable, d2.lang AS d2__lang FROM dm_page d LEFT JOIN dm_page_translation d2 ON ((d.id = d2.id AND d2.lang = 'pl')) WHERE ((d.lft > '5520' AND d.rgt < '5529') AND d.level <= '4') ORDER BY d.lft asc
SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.module AS d__module, d.action AS d__action, d.record_id AS d__record_id, d.credentials AS d__credentials, d.lft AS d__lft, d.rgt AS d__rgt, d.level AS d__level, d2.id AS d2__id, d2.slug AS d2__slug, d2.name AS d2__name, d2.title AS d2__title, d2.h1 AS d2__h1, d2.description AS d2__description, d2.keywords AS d2__keywords, d2.auto_mod AS d2__auto_mod, d2.is_active AS d2__is_active, d2.is_secure AS d2__is_secure, d2.is_indexable AS d2__is_indexable, d2.lang AS d2__lang FROM dm_page d LEFT JOIN dm_page_translation d2 ON ((d.id = d2.id AND d2.lang = 'pl')) WHERE ((d.lft > '234' AND d.rgt < '275') AND d.level <= '2') ORDER BY d.lft asc
SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.module AS d__module, d.action AS d__action, d.record_id AS d__record_id, d.credentials AS d__credentials, d.lft AS d__lft, d.rgt AS d__rgt, d.level AS d__level, d2.id AS d2__id, d2.slug AS d2__slug, d2.name AS d2__name, d2.title AS d2__title, d2.h1 AS d2__h1, d2.description AS d2__description, d2.keywords AS d2__keywords, d2.auto_mod AS d2__auto_mod, d2.is_active AS d2__is_active, d2.is_secure AS d2__is_secure, d2.is_indexable AS d2__is_indexable, d2.lang AS d2__lang FROM dm_page d LEFT JOIN dm_page_translation d2 ON ((d.id = d2.id AND d2.lang = 'pl')) WHERE ((d.lft > '241' AND d.rgt < '250') AND d.level <= '3') ORDER BY d.lft asc
SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.module AS d__module, d.action AS d__action, d.record_id AS d__record_id, d.credentials AS d__credentials, d.lft AS d__lft, d.rgt AS d__rgt, d.level AS d__level, d2.id AS d2__id, d2.slug AS d2__slug, d2.name AS d2__name, d2.title AS d2__title, d2.h1 AS d2__h1, d2.description AS d2__description, d2.keywords AS d2__keywords, d2.auto_mod AS d2__auto_mod, d2.is_active AS d2__is_active, d2.is_secure AS d2__is_secure, d2.is_indexable AS d2__is_indexable, d2.lang AS d2__lang FROM dm_page d LEFT JOIN dm_page_translation d2 ON ((d.id = d2.id AND d2.lang = 'pl')) WHERE ((d.lft > '257' AND d.rgt < '268') AND d.level <= '3') ORDER BY d.lft asc
SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.module AS d__module, d.action AS d__action, d.record_id AS d__record_id, d.credentials AS d__credentials, d.lft AS d__lft, d.rgt AS d__rgt, d.level AS d__level, d2.id AS d2__id, d2.slug AS d2__slug, d2.name AS d2__name, d2.title AS d2__title, d2.h1 AS d2__h1, d2.description AS d2__description, d2.keywords AS d2__keywords, d2.auto_mod AS d2__auto_mod, d2.is_active AS d2__is_active, d2.is_secure AS d2__is_secure, d2.is_indexable AS d2__is_indexable, d2.lang AS d2__lang FROM dm_page d LEFT JOIN dm_page_translation d2 ON ((d.id = d2.id AND d2.lang = 'pl')) WHERE ((d.lft > '278' AND d.rgt < '5513') AND d.level <= '2') ORDER BY d.lft asc
SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.module AS d__module, d.action AS d__action, d.record_id AS d__record_id, d.credentials AS d__credentials, d.lft AS d__lft, d.rgt AS d__rgt, d.level AS d__level, d2.id AS d2__id, d2.slug AS d2__slug, d2.name AS d2__name, d2.title AS d2__title, d2.h1 AS d2__h1, d2.description AS d2__description, d2.keywords AS d2__keywords, d2.auto_mod AS d2__auto_mod, d2.is_active AS d2__is_active, d2.is_secure AS d2__is_secure, d2.is_indexable AS d2__is_indexable, d2.lang AS d2__lang FROM dm_page d LEFT JOIN dm_page_translation d2 ON ((d.id = d2.id AND d2.lang = 'pl')) WHERE ((d.lft > '5514' AND d.rgt < '5535') AND d.level <= '2') ORDER BY d.lft asc
SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.module AS d__module, d.action AS d__action, d.record_id AS d__record_id, d.credentials AS d__credentials, d.lft AS d__lft, d.rgt AS d__rgt, d.level AS d__level, d2.id AS d2__id, d2.slug AS d2__slug, d2.name AS d2__name, d2.title AS d2__title, d2.h1 AS d2__h1, d2.description AS d2__description, d2.keywords AS d2__keywords, d2.auto_mod AS d2__auto_mod, d2.is_active AS d2__is_active, d2.is_secure AS d2__is_secure, d2.is_indexable AS d2__is_indexable, d2.lang AS d2__lang FROM dm_page d LEFT JOIN dm_page_translation d2 ON ((d.id = d2.id AND d2.lang = 'pl')) WHERE ((d.lft > '5519' AND d.rgt < '5530') AND d.level <= '3') ORDER BY d.lft asc
SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.module AS d__module, d.action AS d__action, d.record_id AS d__record_id, d.credentials AS d__credentials, d.lft AS d__lft, d.rgt AS d__rgt, d.level AS d__level, d2.id AS d2__id, d2.slug AS d2__slug, d2.name AS d2__name, d2.title AS d2__title, d2.h1 AS d2__h1, d2.description AS d2__description, d2.keywords AS d2__keywords, d2.auto_mod AS d2__auto_mod, d2.is_active AS d2__is_active, d2.is_secure AS d2__is_secure, d2.is_indexable AS d2__is_indexable, d2.lang AS d2__lang FROM dm_page d LEFT JOIN dm_page_translation d2 ON ((d.id = d2.id AND d2.lang = 'pl')) WHERE (d.id = '4')
SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.module AS d__module, d.action AS d__action, d.record_id AS d__record_id, d.credentials AS d__credentials, d.lft AS d__lft, d.rgt AS d__rgt, d.level AS d__level, d2.id AS d2__id, d2.slug AS d2__slug, d2.name AS d2__name, d2.title AS d2__title, d2.h1 AS d2__h1, d2.description AS d2__description, d2.keywords AS d2__keywords, d2.auto_mod AS d2__auto_mod, d2.is_active AS d2__is_active, d2.is_secure AS d2__is_secure, d2.is_indexable AS d2__is_indexable, d2.lang AS d2__lang FROM dm_page d LEFT JOIN dm_page_translation d2 ON ((d.id = d2.id AND d2.lang = 'pl')) WHERE (d.id = '62')
SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.module AS d__module, d.action AS d__action, d.record_id AS d__record_id, d.credentials AS d__credentials, d.lft AS d__lft, d.rgt AS d__rgt, d.level AS d__level, d2.id AS d2__id, d2.slug AS d2__slug, d2.name AS d2__name, d2.title AS d2__title, d2.h1 AS d2__h1, d2.description AS d2__description, d2.keywords AS d2__keywords, d2.auto_mod AS d2__auto_mod, d2.is_active AS d2__is_active, d2.is_secure AS d2__is_secure, d2.is_indexable AS d2__is_indexable, d2.lang AS d2__lang FROM dm_page d LEFT JOIN dm_page_translation d2 ON ((d.id = d2.id AND d2.lang = 'pl')) WHERE (d.id = '40')
SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.dm_media_folder_id AS d__dm_media_folder_id, d.file AS d__file, d.legend AS d__legend, d.author AS d__author, d.license AS d__license, d.mime AS d__mime, d.size AS d__size, d.dimensions AS d__dimensions, d.created_at AS d__created_at, d.updated_at AS d__updated_at, d2.id AS d2__id, d2.rel_path AS d2__rel_path, d2.lft AS d2__lft, d2.rgt AS d2__rgt, d2.level AS d2__level FROM dm_media d LEFT JOIN dm_media_folder d2 ON d.dm_media_folder_id = d2.id WHERE (d.id = '51187')
SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.dm_media_folder_id AS d__dm_media_folder_id, d.file AS d__file, d.legend AS d__legend, d.author AS d__author, d.license AS d__license, d.mime AS d__mime, d.size AS d__size, d.dimensions AS d__dimensions, d.created_at AS d__created_at, d.updated_at AS d__updated_at, d2.id AS d2__id, d2.rel_path AS d2__rel_path, d2.lft AS d2__lft, d2.rgt AS d2__rgt, d2.level AS d2__level FROM dm_media d LEFT JOIN dm_media_folder d2 ON d.dm_media_folder_id = d2.id WHERE (d.id = '51186')
SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.dm_media_folder_id AS d__dm_media_folder_id, d.file AS d__file, d.legend AS d__legend, d.author AS d__author, d.license AS d__license, d.mime AS d__mime, d.size AS d__size, d.dimensions AS d__dimensions, d.created_at AS d__created_at, d.updated_at AS d__updated_at, d2.id AS d2__id, d2.rel_path AS d2__rel_path, d2.lft AS d2__lft, d2.rgt AS d2__rgt, d2.level AS d2__level FROM dm_media d LEFT JOIN dm_media_folder d2 ON d.dm_media_folder_id = d2.id WHERE (d.id = '37749')
SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.dm_media_folder_id AS d__dm_media_folder_id, d.file AS d__file, d.legend AS d__legend, d.author AS d__author, d.license AS d__license, d.mime AS d__mime, d.size AS d__size, d.dimensions AS d__dimensions, d.created_at AS d__created_at, d.updated_at AS d__updated_at, d2.id AS d2__id, d2.rel_path AS d2__rel_path, d2.lft AS d2__lft, d2.rgt AS d2__rgt, d2.level AS d2__level FROM dm_media d LEFT JOIN dm_media_folder d2 ON d.dm_media_folder_id = d2.id WHERE (d.id = '37749')
SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.dm_media_folder_id AS d__dm_media_folder_id, d.file AS d__file, d.legend AS d__legend, d.author AS d__author, d.license AS d__license, d.mime AS d__mime, d.size AS d__size, d.dimensions AS d__dimensions, d.created_at AS d__created_at, d.updated_at AS d__updated_at, d2.id AS d2__id, d2.rel_path AS d2__rel_path, d2.lft AS d2__lft, d2.rgt AS d2__rgt, d2.level AS d2__level FROM dm_media d LEFT JOIN dm_media_folder d2 ON d.dm_media_folder_id = d2.id WHERE (d.id = '51291')
SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.dm_media_folder_id AS d__dm_media_folder_id, d.file AS d__file, d.legend AS d__legend, d.author AS d__author, d.license AS d__license, d.mime AS d__mime, d.size AS d__size, d.dimensions AS d__dimensions, d.created_at AS d__created_at, d.updated_at AS d__updated_at, d2.id AS d2__id, d2.rel_path AS d2__rel_path, d2.lft AS d2__lft, d2.rgt AS d2__rgt, d2.level AS d2__level FROM dm_media d LEFT JOIN dm_media_folder d2 ON d.dm_media_folder_id = d2.id WHERE (d.id = '51292')
SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.dm_media_folder_id AS d__dm_media_folder_id, d.file AS d__file, d.legend AS d__legend, d.author AS d__author, d.license AS d__license, d.mime AS d__mime, d.size AS d__size, d.dimensions AS d__dimensions, d.created_at AS d__created_at, d.updated_at AS d__updated_at, d2.id AS d2__id, d2.rel_path AS d2__rel_path, d2.lft AS d2__lft, d2.rgt AS d2__rgt, d2.level AS d2__level FROM dm_media d LEFT JOIN dm_media_folder d2 ON d.dm_media_folder_id = d2.id WHERE (d.id = '37747')
SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.dm_media_folder_id AS d__dm_media_folder_id, d.file AS d__file, d.legend AS d__legend, d.author AS d__author, d.license AS d__license, d.mime AS d__mime, d.size AS d__size, d.dimensions AS d__dimensions, d.created_at AS d__created_at, d.updated_at AS d__updated_at, d2.id AS d2__id, d2.rel_path AS d2__rel_path, d2.lft AS d2__lft, d2.rgt AS d2__rgt, d2.level AS d2__level FROM dm_media d LEFT JOIN dm_media_folder d2 ON d.dm_media_folder_id = d2.id WHERE (d.id = '37750')
SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.dm_media_folder_id AS d__dm_media_folder_id, d.file AS d__file, d.legend AS d__legend, d.author AS d__author, d.license AS d__license, d.mime AS d__mime, d.size AS d__size, d.dimensions AS d__dimensions, d.created_at AS d__created_at, d.updated_at AS d__updated_at, d2.id AS d2__id, d2.rel_path AS d2__rel_path, d2.lft AS d2__lft, d2.rgt AS d2__rgt, d2.level AS d2__level FROM dm_media d LEFT JOIN dm_media_folder d2 ON d.dm_media_folder_id = d2.id WHERE (d.id = '51099')
SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.dm_media_folder_id AS d__dm_media_folder_id, d.file AS d__file, d.legend AS d__legend, d.author AS d__author, d.license AS d__license, d.mime AS d__mime, d.size AS d__size, d.dimensions AS d__dimensions, d.created_at AS d__created_at, d.updated_at AS d__updated_at, d2.id AS d2__id, d2.rel_path AS d2__rel_path, d2.lft AS d2__lft, d2.rgt AS d2__rgt, d2.level AS d2__level FROM dm_media d LEFT JOIN dm_media_folder d2 ON d.dm_media_folder_id = d2.id WHERE (d.id = '51098')