
Statistical data on the implementation of the project ”My Orlik 2012 sports field animateur” in 2009-2010.

Over the two-year period of implementation, the project “My Orlik 2012 sports field animateur” supported the employment of a total of 1871 animateurs. The basic difference between 2009 and 2010 is that in 2010 it was possible to employ two entertainers at one facility. The gross grant amount has not changed and is equal to PLN 1000/month/person or PLN 500/month/person if 2 animateurs are employed at 1 facility, for a period of up to 9 months (March-November) or less, depending on the date of the application. The option of employing 2 animateurs at 1 facility was introduced at the request of the local governments which often had a problem with finding a single person willing to work at an Orlik facility for 160 hours per month. There is growing interest in the project, corresponding to the increasing number of new Orlik facilities.


In 2009, 438 Orlik facilities out of a total of 562 (over 77%) applied for participation in the project (as of September 17th, 2009).

In 2010, animateurs from 1100 out of a total of 1287 Orlik facilities (more than 85%) were taking part in the project (as of August 11th, 2010).

• The number of children and youth participating in organized activities at Orlik facilities grew from an average of 611 per month per facility in 2009 to 690 per month per facility in 2010. The total number of children and youth using Orlik facilities in 2009 and 2010 was more than 9 million 186 thousand.
• There is also growing interest in Orlik facilities among adults. In 2009, each facility was visited by an average of 149 adult participants per month while in 2010 the respective figure was 172. In all, more than 2 million 278 thousand adults participated in various types of activities at Orlik facilities over the two-year period.

The data indicates that the increase in the number of participants of activities organized at Orlik facilities was largely due to the work of the animateurs, the attractiveness of the classes and the organization of sports and recreational events. Support and involvement on the part of local governments in the organization and promotion of sports activities was also important. Judging by the number of classes and events, one may conclude that in 2010 animateurs were more creative and active than in 2009. On average, 49 classes were organized per facility per month in 2009, while in 2010 the corresponding figure was 62. In total, animateurs conducted 812 thousand classes at Orlik facilities in 2009-2010. The classes were quite varied, focusing on teaching the technical skills associated with various sports disciplines (mainly team sports), on acquiring and developing tactical skills, but also on organizing games for the youngest children.

In 2009 and 2010, more than 46 thousand sports events and competitions (mostly in team sports) were held at Orlik facilities. Football was the most popular discipline. Various community events were also organized, such as family fairs, picnics and recreational games. On average, 4 and 3 events were held at each facility each month in 2009 and in 2010, respectively.